Intensive Holistic Mental Health Treatment Programs

Outpatient & Partial Hospitalization

Whether you are searching for mental health treatment for yourself or a loved one, we at The Malone Collective are honored to provide you with support and direction. Challenging life experiences accumulate over the course of a life time, and may be exacerbated by life stressors. By exploring options for navigating the human experience, you have taken the first step to creating a life of thriving and recovering from the challenges of life. We believe in providing mental health treatment that considers the whole person, including their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Our concierge mental health program is highly individualized and emphasizes the importance of one-to-one, collaborative, integrative care in a boutique setting. We do not believe in pre-determined courses or “cookie-cutter” treatment. Your life experience and needs are unique and require unique solutions.